NAM&NAM | Overseas Chemical Regulations | EU REACH
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals
  • Integrated chemicals control system specifying the registration, evaluation, authorization, restriction, etc. of chemicals within the EU.
  • Registration is mandatory when importing or manufacturing over 1 ton annually within the EU, after 18-05-31
  • "Inquiry to ECHA" procedure is mandatory to check Substance Identification Profile (SIP) for substances without pre-registration.
Procedure for EU REACH Registration
Substances subject to registration
Where any of the followings applies and over 1 ton is exported annually, export throughout Europe is possible through the EU REACH registration.
  • Mono-constituent substance
    A chemical element and its compound (over 1 ton annually) either obtained in its natural state containing additives needed to maintain stability and impurities generated during processes used or acquired in a manufacturing process. A chemical element and its compounds in the natural state or obtained by any manufacturing process, including any additive necessary to preserve its stability and any impurity deriving from the process used.
  • Multi-constituent substance
    Discrete substance (over 1 ton annually) in a mixture composed of 2 or more substances.
  • Polymer
    A monomer or starting-substance with over 1 ton annually that is constituted into a polymer with over 2% (w/w).
  • Article
    Exempted from registration, but the substances which being intentionally discharged from an articles (over 1 ton annually) are subject to registration
OR Only Representative
  • A natural or legal person within the EU that fulfill the obligation under EU REACH on behalf of Non-EU manufacturer and formulator.
  • NAM & NAM Europe GmbH (Dortmund, Germany), established in 2008, and the Only Representative (OR) currently in operation.
Our Services
  • Consultancy and training program for the compliance with EU REACH
  • Role and performance as Only Representative (OR) within EU
  • Consultancy and services for EU REACH ‘Authorization’ and/or ‘Restriction’, after Registration (if necessary).
  • SVHC Notification in the articles
  • Services as a ‘3rd-Party Representative (TPR)’
Do you have further questions?
Please send us a quote request or inquiry. A person in charge of each department will help.
Overseas Chemical Regulations
Overseas Chemical Regulations Weekdays 09:00 ~18:00
(not available on weekend/holidays)